
Krämer Groep

The Utrecht-based construction company Krämer Groep, specializing in maintenance, renovation, and remodeling projects in commercial construction, came under the ownership of industry peer Constructif in September 2021. Krämer shareholder Henk de Weerdt praises Rembrandt's structured approach during the acquisition process. "We knew exactly what to expect at each stage."

Henk: "From plumbing and installation work to painting, tiling, and masonry, not to mention office refurbishment, the Krämer Groep offers a wide range of services. Since the company's Management Buy-Out in 2001, led by Theo van Woerden, Frank Bentvelzen, and myself, Krämer Groep has evolved into a successful all-round construction company, with its own 24/7 service department.

Due to personal circumstances, I preferred to divest the company after all these years and sell it to a reputable buyer, ensuring the future of Krämer Groep would be secure. My fellow shareholders Theo and Frank agreed, under the principle of 'all in, all out.' Ultimately, through our primary bank Rabobank, we were introduced to Rembrandt Mergers & Acquisitions. The initial meeting with acquisition advisor Wouter Jolie immediately instilled confidence in us; he outlined clearly how the acquisition process would unfold and what to expect at each stage. Having control over the situation provides clarity and peace of mind.

Control over the situation provides clarity and peace of mind.

What Rembrandt excelled at throughout the entire process was managing expectations. They are seasoned professionals and were upfront about the potential pitfalls of such an acquisition journey from the get-go. Selling a company involves not just business considerations but also emotions. The team prepared us well for that aspect; they indicated when it was appropriate to apply more pressure or to take a step back. This prevented us from making emotional, perhaps less wise decisions.

Throughout the entire process, Rembrandt excelled at managing expectations. They are well-versed in the intricacies of mergers and acquisitions and from the outset, they accurately outlined the potential pitfalls of such a transaction.

The Krämer Groep operates across a wide spectrum of activities, which could potentially complicate finding a suitable buyer. Additionally, our size is just small enough to not be particularly attractive to larger construction companies. However, thanks to Rembrandt's combination of market expertise and extensive network, they managed to find a buyer that aligned perfectly with our company: Constructif, a construction firm with a similar vision and operating in the same market but without overlapping client bases. This alignment complemented our own profile well. Furthermore, they presented a solid plan for the future, which inspired confidence.

Humor was never far away - and during such an intensive acquisition process, that was certainly appreciated.

The entire acquisition process - also thanks to the tight control from Rembrandt - only took a few months. We never regretted our choice of Rembrandt for a moment. They always knew exactly how to find the right balance between professionalism and an informal approach. The humor was never far away - and that is very pleasant during such an intensive acquisition process."

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