Acquisition of Verschure IT Services by TJIP
Sell | Technologie, Media & Telecommunicatie
The Technology, Media and Telecoms sector has been one of the fastest-changing industries worldwide for years. Innovative. Disruptive. The battle for market share can be as fierce as the battle for talent, and opportunities are as plentiful as threats.
Professional, experienced and committed. And at your side throughout.
Rembrandt Mergers & Acquisitions offers companies in Technology, Media and Telecoms the financial flexibility and firepower needed to excel. Flexibility is the key to success. Meet the team.
Sell | Technologie, Media & Telecommunicatie
Sell | Technologie, Media & Telecommunicatie
Sell | Technologie, Media & Telecommunicatie
Other | Technologie, Media & Telecommunicatie
Sell | Technologie, Media & Telecommunicatie
Sell | Technologie, Media & Telecommunicatie
Sell | Technologie, Media & Telecommunicatie
Buy | Technologie, Media & Telecommunicatie
Buy | Technologie, Media & Telecommunicatie
Sell | Technologie, Media & Telecommunicatie