Valuation of your company
For various reasons, there may be a need to determine the value of a business. This could include scenarios such as acquisitions or sales, intra-family transfers, buyouts of existing shareholders, or as a baseline assessment to gauge the standing of your enterprise.
An objective perspective
Our specialists aim for the most objective value assessment, taking into account the nature of the assignment. Ideally, each value assessment is based on multiple valuation methods; often this is a combination of computational methods (such as discounted cash-flow and improved method of profitability) and approaches based on best practice: so-called market and transaction multiples.
Efficient and straightforward
In the process of conducting a valuation, a considerable amount of administration is involved. We understand that as a business owner, you prefer to focus on daily operations. In our financial analyses, we have the capability to automatically extract data from your administration or from your accountant, enabling us to perform more in-depth analyses with often less effort on your part to gather information. Additionally, potential synergy benefits from buyers can be incorporated into these analyses.
A value assessment accurately and objectively assesses the market value of a business.
Clear insight
Whether, after completing a value assessment, the decision is to commence the process or not, the outcome nevertheless offers insight into the most important factors that determine the value of the organisation. It also provides an indication as to how further to optimise such value.
What to expect with a business valuation?
Accuracy is the most important factor in any value assessment. We consider not only the essential factors but also the secondary conditions that are important for you personally.
Step-by-stap plan of a value assessment
- Drafting a questionnaire to obtain necessary information
- Financial analysis and mapping the most important valuable elements
- Conversations with shareholders and/or management
- Presentation and documentation of the results of the valuation.
- Presenting and documenting the outcome of the value assessment
Assess the value of your company?
You may wish to assess the value of your company for various reasons: it could be done in light of a buy-out of one or more shareholders or a dispute between shareholders or even at the request of the tax authorities.
Our valuers would be happy to provide insight into the value of your business. Do not hesitate to contact one of our advisors.
Meet and discuss with the Rembrandt M&A team. We understand the inquiries at hand, are familiar with the dynamics of the acquisition process, and provide a network full of opportunities. Contact us today to explore how we can assist in your specific situation.