Erik & Rembrandt
Erik pursued both his bachelor's degree in Business Administration and his master's degree in Finance & Investments at Erasmus University Rotterdam, at the RSM faculty.
"Deadline day for bids, the final negotiations at the table, resolving the last issues in the week before closing: these are the real 'action moments' that make M&A so exciting for me!"
Setting the goal together with the entrepreneur, optimal preparation, and then determining the strategy for the best negotiation outcome.
This is what makes Rembrandt unique for me
"This is what makes Rembrandt unique for me:
Rembrandt Mergers & Acquisitions constitutes a close-knit group of colleagues who strive to achieve the best in every transaction together. All training and methodologies are designed to develop you into an independent dealmaker. Three beautiful offices and attention to everyone's personal lives make it complete.