Stijn & Rembrandt
Stijn completed both his Bachelor's in Business Economics and his Master's in Finance and Strategic Management at Tilburg University. In addition to pursuing two master's degrees, he participated in an Honors program and worked as a financial analyst at an investment club. Through this club, he first encountered Rembrandt, where he started as a Junior Consultant in 2021.
"From day one, you're involved in the entire M&A process and given a lot of responsibilities. While you initially coordinate closely with the project leader, your responsibilities grow rapidly over time."
We all work closely with the client, where each entrepreneur is unique. This keeps our work dynamic and continuously interesting.
This is what makes Rembrandt unique for me
At Rembrandt, a lot of time is invested in your knowledge and skills, ensuring that all our clients are served with the highest quality. Additionally, there's a focus on achieving a good balance between work and personal life. This allows for rapid development while still having time for relaxation.